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Don't Mosquitoes Ruin Your Pool Party: Here's How To Control Them

A typical summer evening necessitates a backyard barbecue and a pool party. Except for the mosquitoes, everything is perfect.

A typical summer evening necessitates a backyard barbecue and a pool party. Except for the mosquitoes, everything is perfect

Mosquitoes are one of the most hated insects in the world. Their bites can be painful, and they can carry diseases like Zika and West Nile. To be honest, hiring professional Wrentham, MA Mosquito Control is the best way to get rid of mosquitoes.

However, you will not be able to hire them every day. So, here are some mosquito-repelling tips for your backyard and pool:

Protect yourself from mosquito bites

Wear long sleeves and pants. Mosquitoes like to bite exposed skin, so it's important to cover up wherever possible.

Use a bug spray with DEET (diethyl-m-toluamide).

Avoid going outside at dusk or dawn when mosquitoes are most active. If you must go outside during the day, wear a hat and sunglasses to protect your face from biting insects, but be sure not to get too close—mosquito bites can spread disease!

Wrentham, MA Mosquito Control

Drain water and remove standing water

Mosquitoes are attracted to dark colours, so wearing light-coloured clothing will help you avoid being bitten. If you do get bitten, keep the area clean and don't scratch at your skin!

If mosquitoes are a problem, it's best to get rid of any standing water on your property. Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water and can also be attracted by carbon dioxide from exhaling into paper bags.

The professionals from Wrentham, MA Mosquito Control services also strictly advise removing any kind of stagnant water around homes or businesses so that these pests don't have a place to live there, either.

Use a fan

Mosquitoes find a blood source, and once they have found it, they will continue to search for more. If you have a pool party, the mosquitoes will be attracted to your guests and the area around your pool.

While some people may not mind getting bit by mosquitoes, others are extremely sensitive to them and could end up with an allergic reaction or, worse yet—a mosquito-borne disease such as West Nile virus.

The best way to prevent this is by using a fan while you are outside in order to blow away any potential mosquito eggs that may land on your skin or clothing. It's important that the fan has been set up so that it's turning air currents from one direction (usually upwards).

This will help keep mosquitos at bay because they don't like windy environments! If possible, try setting up an additional device such as an insect zapper around your property, too; these machines kill off bugs within seconds!

  • Use an outdoor mosquito repellent
  • Natural mosquito repellents
  • Synthetic mosquito repellents

Mosquito traps

If you'd like something with a less harsh effect on your skin, try using citronella candles or lotions containing citronella flowers (these won't work as well as natural products).

You can also try hanging mesh screens over your pool deck; these will block out large insects like birds but won't stop smaller ones from getting through—so if you're looking for something more comprehensive than just swatting them away with a towel from time to time when they get too close.


The only way to make sure you have a great party is by protecting yourself from mosquito bites. The best way to do this is with an outdoor mosquito repellent. You can also use some of the other tips listed here, such as draining water and removing standing water.